Busy breeding

…their branch, test their balance, and begin to investigate the world. Around now they also start trying solid food, the first step to becoming fully weaned by 10 weeks. Kits are initially darker than adults but by twelve weeks their coat colour is approaching the adult shade. Littermates tend to stick together and are likely to still be occupying the… […]

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Welcoming volunteers back into the field this Volunteers’ Week

…December volunteer announcement, grey squirrel control volunteers can continue their work in the field   We ask those looking to return to volunteering, to be proactive in monitoring changing Covid-19 guidelines in your local authority area, by regularly visiting https://www.gov.scot/coronavirus-covid-19/. Prior to commencing any new activities, a Covid-19 Risk Assessment will need to be reviewed. This can be accessed through… […]

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This Year's Sightings