Privacy Policy

…European Economic Area (EEA). This will be done in accordance with guidance issued by the Information Commissioner’s Office. Electronic data and databases are stored on secure computer systems and we control who has access to information (using both physical and electronic means). Our staff receive data protection training and we have a set of detailed data protection procedures which personnel… […]

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Terms of Service

…to assist red squirrel conservation; and to facilitate volunteer development and engagement with the project. SSRS makes the SSRS website and Content available on the understanding that you use them at your own risk – they are provided ‘as is’ and ‘as available’ and you exercise your own skill, judgement and care with respect to their use or your reliance… […]

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Coronavirus: Update for SSRS volunteers

…In accordance with government guidelines, priority grey squirrel control work must be undertaken unaccompanied (or only in the presence of people from the same household). Volunteers must also remain within a short distance of their local community (broadly within 5 miles) and not undertake any unnecessary travel. Before recommencing any grey squirrel control work, we ask people to think about… […]

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A lucky escape!

…up a camera in your garden or local park could surprise – you often find foxes, roe deer, or maybe even a badger or hedgehog rooting about (they work in the dark too!). We know many folks out there who use trail cams just for a bit of fun and take them with them on days out and holidays and… […]

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All things invasive with the Scottish Invasive Species Initiative

…staggering 94% decline in native water vole populations? The American skunk-cabbage plant does actually smell as bad as a skunk….   White butterburr was imported as a garden ornamental from mainland Europe and SW Asia and escaped into the wild.   What is an Invasive Species? There are around 2,000 non-native plants and animals in the UK, these non-native species… […]

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This Year's Sightings